Monday, October 31, 2011

I have never wanted an American Girl Doll as much as I did while writing this

I was in class today when I looked over at my friend Marissa's hair and immediately thought that it looked exactly like an American Girl Doll's hair. The "honey blond" hair that they only had for the American Girl Dolls that you could make yourself.
Which brought me to thinking about how jealous I was of the honey blond hair. They never had an American Girl Doll that looked like me. I wanted one that had light skin with freckles, dark brown hair, and green eyes.
But no. The one with blue eyes got the freckles. The green eyed one had no freckles.

But that was when I was younger. Looking at the website, there's so many different types of American Girl Dolls that you can make! Holy shit! I want them all! They all have different hair! God, I didn't have this when I was a kid

I actually probably look like this one more. Except the hazel eyes. Although I was never quite sure what hazel meant. Well they'd actually have to make a super special American Girl Doll for me since I have one green eye and one brown eye.
But that's beside the point. I want an American Girl Doll. They're so fucking cool. And now they have ones with short hair. Do you realize how many times I played hair stylist to my barbies that ended with all of my barbies being bald? Too many.
Never with the American Girl Dolls though. I kept my Molly doll in mint condition. Because her braids were the coolest.

And this is how I wasted 20 minutes of Intro to Theatre Design

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

My Banshee Story

So, do you know what a banshee is? I didn’t think so, not many do. Well a banshee is like this spirit woman in Irish mythology that wails before someone in your family is about to die. I know, they’re not supposed to be real, right? Well my family is hardcore Irish Catholic so while I may not believe in them, I would never dare say that in front of my mother.
Anyways, I got this book called True Irish Ghost Stories and I was flippin’ through  it one day and was like, “Oh cool! They have an entire section on banshees!” and my sister, who’s an idiot by the way, says, “What’s a banshee?” and my brother says, “Ya know, this spirit thing that wails before someone in your family dies.” Real casual. My sister then freaks out bein’ like, “WHAT?! What do ya mean?!!?! I don’t want some spirit screaming at me before I die!” And then my mom just goes, “Oh, I’ve heard a banshee before.”
We all just shut up. My brother, Connor and I start tryin’ to pry information outta her. And naturally she’s all like, “No, I don’t wanna talk about it. Don’t ask me again.” So Connor and I say, “Fine. We’ll go ask Nana!”
Next day we knock on our Nana’s door and ya know, we’re like, “Oh hey Nana, how’s it going?” Once we get past how everyone is doing and whatnot, Connor goes, “So Nana...what can you tell us about banshees?”
My Nana immediately jumps in saying, “Ya know it’s a woman, right? It’s nawt an animal!” “Uh... yeah Nana we know.” “Well ya see, my nana, Nana Connahs, your mutha’s great grandmutha, and my mutha’s mutha, she was right off the boat from the old country. And latah in huh life, she had a stroke and lived in ouh attic fah twenty years. Now ya see, growing up, I thought that everyone had an invalid grandmutha. Imagine my surprise when I went ovah to my best friend’s house, and heard huh aunt say, ‘Ya know she’s got a sick gramndmutha in huh attic...’ I ran home from huh house crying that day.”
At this point Connor and I are like, “Um...awesome? But what does Nana Connors have to do with banshees?”
“Oh yes! So being from Ireland, Nana Connahs thought that she could hear the banshees comin’ fah huh at night. And there she would be, in huh bed and then she’d begin to pray. ‘OHHHHHHHHHH JEEEEEEEEEEESUUUUUUUS MAAAAAAAAARY AND JOSEPH!’ and then my mutha, Maime, your mutha’s grandmutha, would look at us kids and say. ‘Alright, nana’s havin’ one of huh spells, go grab the holy watah’ And us kids would stand around Nana Connah’s bad and spritz holy watah all around huh as she prayed. It’s a wundah I didn’t end up a nut!
And then she started calling Connor fat...

Adventures at the Village!

I work at a place called the Village at Duxbury. I serve food to 'high income elderly residents'.
I am a waitress for old, rich people.
Most people would think that this sounds like the most boring job in he world. Yet you forget that old people tend to say the strangest/greatest things.

I walk over to my table and say, "How was your dinner tonight?"
Woman- Oh dinner was lovely, thank you!
Man- Well aside from my wife's nagging, I'd say that dinner went well
Me- Uhh....
Woman- What did you just say?!
Man- I'm not talking to you! I'm talking to this nice lady!
Me- I'll be back with your desserts....

I was clearing my table of dinner and one of the women turned to me and said, "Are you Harry Potter's sister?"
Me- Um, come again?
Woman- Are you Harry Potter's sister? You look just like him.
Me- I do?
Woman- Yes! You've got the glasses and everything
Note- I have brown hair, but that's where the similarities between myself and Harry Potter end. I also wear black and purple glasses that look nothing like Harry Potter's

Me- Oh...well sorry to say, but I'm not Harry Potter's sister.
Woman- That's a shame...

This is story is actually from my friend who said she overheard her table having this conversation
Woman 1- I love this bread, I wish I could take it home with me
Woman 2- I thought you could. They don't let us do anything anymore!
Woman 1- I know, and it's such a shame because I love this bread.
Woman 2- You could put it down your shirt.
Woman 1-...Do you think I should?
Woman 2- Do it! Do it! (While Woman 1 puts pieces of bread down her shirt) You're so hardcore!

My Sister is an Idiot

My sister Deirdre isn't the brightest person in the world. And that's being generous.

Example A-

Deirdre gets bored one day and decided to see how far she can stick a roll of painters tape on her arm. Usually she can't even get the roll past her elbow but Deirdre somehow managed to get it onto her upper arm. Sh's pretty impressed with herself for a few seconds, but when she realizes that she can't get the tape off her arm, she starts to loose it

I come downstairs to the sight of my mom grabbing the roll of tape and trying to pry it off my sister's arm.

Deirdre- Mum! Oh my god, what if we can't get it off?! What if it's stuck!? We'll have to call the fire department!
My Mom- (While trying to pull off the tape) Oh please Deirdre, what would we say to them? 'Hi my 21 year old daughter got a roll of tape stuck on her arm, do you think you could help us get it off?' They would just laugh and hang up the phone!

We ended up having to spray the roll of tape with Pam to make it more loose and then slide a knife between the tape and her arm and cut it off.

Example B-

Myself, my brother, Deirdre, and my mom were sitting in our living room one night watching Planet Earth. Or maybe it was Life... Either way, it was the episode about mammals. We're watching it in silence when a commercial comes on and Deirdre turns to my brother and says, "Do you feel out of place here Connor?"
Connor- Why would I feel out of place?
Deirdre- Because we're watching a show about mammals, and me, mum, and Bridget are mammals but you're not a mammal

A startling silence takes over my living room as we all digest what was just said.

My mom is the first to speak saying in a very controlled voice, "Why wouldn't Connor be a mammal Deirdre?"

At this point Deirdre realizes that she's said something very stupid, but still doesn't know what it was.
Deirdre-Well...he's not a mammal. Because...because he can't...make milk. Right?
Connor- Yeah, I'm still a mammal. Despite the fact that I can't make milk. Sorry to break it to you.
Me- Yeah Deirdre, what would he be if he wasn't a mammal? It' not like he's a reptile or something.
Deirdre- Shut up! I was taught that you were a mammal if you could make milk and Connor can't make milk!